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Shania Hopoi or Hopoi Shania lives with her older sisters in Penrith because she can’t afford a house of her own and has never held a job in her life. Leaves her kids with her sister lesieli so she can go out and get her new bf dick wet. Wrote all the posts under her ex solo pale number because she was jealous he left her ugly ass for someone prettier than her lanky, fat nose, no ass, hump back, knock knees, short teeth, smoker breath self. She states that he isn’t the father of her daughter Holaifa but everyone knows that’s a lie, the little girl is a split image of solo lmao. She can’t keep a relationship because she’s insecure about her fat body. She tries her hardest to take good photos on social media but they all make her look like a tranny. No cap! She does look like a man in real life, more like a baboons ass with bushy hair . It’s funny how she thinks she’s better than everyone, but girl your body odour is disgusting. Maybe work on that first and clean your stinky minge properly. She has the need to tell everyone her business but nobody asked lol. Now her only/best friend is her little cousin mele tauaika, a 16 year old girl who inherited that fat nose and does all shanias stalking for her. How about when mele tauaika went live on fb and shania slapped her sons face then told him to shut up, but everyone saw it on live before it got taken down. It looked like she was living in her mothers garage.

June 29, 2021

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