Telephone number: 0242584710


Hazard level Unsafe
Number of comments 25
Last viewed September 20, 2024
Number of views 1990
  • City:Wollongong
  • Capital:Canberra
  • Area:7692024 Km2
  • Population:24117360
  • LAT/LONG:-27 / 133
  • Wollongong ( WUUL-ən-gong), informally referred to as "The Gong", is a city located in the Illawarra region of New South Wales, Australia. Wollongong lies on the narrow coastal strip between the Illaw... Wikipedia

There are 25 comments for the phone number 0242584710. Phone number hazard level Unsafe. 25 users were marked it with 24 Unsafe, 1 Neutral rating.


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Comments on the number 0242584710


Has rung about 7times this evening and now is pissing me off .

April 26, 2021

unsafe number

April 26, 2021

Lisa from Telstra says she is ringing about my internet connection. She has my CLSID number what ever this is when I said I dont have a computer. She said thats impossible as her report says I do. I said I was off the grid and to S SCAMMING PEOPLE!

April 26, 2021

Called many times today I never answer unknown calls , no message left on answering machine

April 26, 2021

Said they’re from Telstra, called up to 8 times in one night

April 26, 2021

I have had numberus calls from this number, they hang up when answering normally but I spoke to someone once. Advised my internet has a major fault and they were from Telstra. She had my full name but didn't know my address. I asked her for her number and

April 26, 2021

Started calling my number on Friday evening of the first, rang every 5 mins for about 1/2 hr and again on Saturday the…

April 26, 2021

SCAM. They will ask you to press a few buttons on the computer, pretending they're helping you to fix it, but will really be trying to access your info. pretending to be telstra in exhibition st, Melbourne, (it's closed today). After telling them I would

April 26, 2021

SCAM! Call centre. Claiming to be from Telstra and claiming that malicious files have been downloaded onto my computer. They rang repeatedly today so I finally decided to answer. Telstra will not ring you directly on this matter. Either avoid this number

April 26, 2021

Caller rang about 5 times within 1 hour period. Answering machine shows screening. I will not answer but is annoying

April 26, 2021

Indian Call Centre posing as Telstra. Tried to convince me to run commands on my computer to give him access.....I strung him along for a while, and he must have been pissed off enough to say that he would kill me....bahahha I'm shaking in my boots.

April 26, 2021

SCAMMER ALERT. They told me I had problems woth my iternet.

April 26, 2021

They've called me at least 20 times today, I answered once and she said it's Lisa from Telstra and there's a problem with my internet and I will be disconnected for 15 days. Told her I'm not with Telstra and she got angry at me and hung up. Yet same numbe

April 26, 2021

Called 3 times in the last 2 hours hangs up when answering.

April 26, 2021

Give them a wide birth and don't answer there number the more you do the more they ring check the number if you see it ending in the 10 and starts with 02 just the call

April 26, 2021

This number HSS called so many times today 7 of them was someone say my internet had problems pissed me off then calls from this number 6times you answer the phone no answer this is also pissing me off

April 26, 2021

Said was from telstra and there was an issue with my internet connection. NEVER PICK UP PHONE IF THIS NUMBER CALLS. They have rung 4 times in 2hrs after stupidly picking up phone the first time they rang.

April 26, 2021

15 calls in the last 48 hours! Finally cracked it and answered last night. Said they were from Telstra, asked for her d number and she hung up!! But they’ve called ahagain and again today!!

April 26, 2021

scam phone number

April 26, 2021

said was from telstra and internet was going to be disconnected. Had just communicated from telstra and knew this was incorrect!
Do not answer this number. They called 7 times in 2 hours.

April 26, 2021
Localization of the phone number:

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