Telephone number: 0390134231


Hazard level Unsafe
Number of comments 7
Last viewed September 17, 2024
Number of views 933
  • City:Australia
  • Capital:Canberra
  • Area:7692024 Km2
  • Population:24117360
  • LAT/LONG:-27 / 133

There are 7 comments for the phone number 0390134231. Phone number hazard level Unsafe. 7 users were marked it with 7 Unsafe, rating.

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Comments on the number 0390134231


Steven Collins calls from this number - I think he is actually a woman with nothing to do but waste people's time calling and pretending to be from Telstra. His girly voice is not an attractive voice at all - a voice of a lonely and very unattractive spinster whose mother and god do not love her at all

April 26, 2021

Called and claimed they were from Telstra. Next thing my computer had been hacked. So they were…

April 26, 2021

Definately fake

April 26, 2021

Ashton Grey Telstra I'd TD4061 Said our NBN was showing faults and gave me 03 90134231 to call Checked with my server and no problems exist

April 26, 2021

idiots call from this number - idiots whose mother does not love them - and god will get them.

April 26, 2021

Received robocall from people saying they are from Telstra NBN Crime Unit. Pressed "1" to talk to someone. Could tell it was a scam. They wanted to get onto my computer. Contact name was Kevin Albert and no. to call back was 03 9013 4231. Told them to f... off.

April 26, 2021

that silly thin voice calls from 0290956412 and says she/he (Steven Collins from 'victoria') is from Telstra - poor thing is just a sad weak person with a sore tummy and a horrible family life and a bad spirit that even dogs run away from - poor sad person - Kharma will get you 'Steven Collins' you ugly hearted time waster. I think everyone should write their experiences about these callers.

April 26, 2021
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