Telephone number: 0432082016


Hazard level Unsafe
Number of comments 8
Last viewed February 27, 2025
Number of views 633
  • Capital:Canberra
  • Area:7692024 Km2
  • Population:24117360
  • LAT/LONG:-27 / 133

There are 8 comments for the phone number 0432082016. Phone number hazard level Unsafe. 8 users were marked it with 8 Unsafe, rating.

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Comments on the number 0432082016


"I'm sorry _____, I missed sending this out to you: [ineligible link]" Spam text, have received two days in a row from different numbers.

April 26, 2021

This number keeps texting me and calls me by the name Miroslav apologising and sending links from

April 26, 2021

Fake news

April 26, 2021

Called me by name to offer job paying $1500 per day, along with a link. I did not click. I have not applied for any jobs.

April 26, 2021

It wasn’t unusual in my job to have gotten a text message like that with an attachment. Without looking at it properly first, I opened it!! Can anyone tell me what are the consequences, if any, of me doing that? I never responded to it or spoke to any anyone over the phone, however, I did press the link.

April 26, 2021

Send me a link By name, I don’t know it at all.

April 26, 2021

These scumbags have sent me several texts, calling me by my family name. They've attached a link that looks like gobbledygook, and I wouldn't trust clicking on it in a pink, or any other coloured, fit. If they contact you, block the number. On an iphone, for a message: - click on the number at the of the page, don't worry, it won't connect you to them - a small drop-down will open, click on the i for info - this opens another page. In Apple's total lack of wisdom and complete user-unfrie

April 26, 2021

Text uses my first name and says: "I'm sorry _____, I missed sending this out to you: [ineligible link]" Didn't click. Just deleted after I found this thread. Just annoying!

April 26, 2021
Localization of the phone number:

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