Telephone number: 0458654447


Hazard level Neutral
Number of comments 4
Last viewed September 19, 2024
Number of views 726
  • Capital:Canberra
  • Area:7692024 Km2
  • Population:24117360
  • LAT/LONG:-27 / 133

There are 4 comments for the phone number 0458654447. Phone number hazard level Neutral. 4 users were marked it with 2 Unsafe, 1 Safe, 1 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 0458654447


Be careful, I caught this person going through my letterbox to find my name and then she puts a personalised letter that looks like it's written by a retarded child back in your box later (all caught on camera) with the number above. Says wants to buy hou

April 26, 2021

Well above stated his name or her name is Michael well I got a letter and it's from Chris very poorly written letter so to me it's not professional and wouldn't trust this person at all

April 26, 2021

Hi, this is Michelle. You have received a letter from me and you are wondering if I am a genuine buyer. I am. From time to time I get comments on this site that claim that I am a real estate agent or that I gain access to your home through fraud and steel your things. I am not sure what reasons the writers of these posts have but they are simply untrue. If you want to sell your home, call me.

April 26, 2021

We also received a handwritten letter in our mailbox. It was addressed and stamped. No return address. A person named…

April 26, 2021
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