Telephone number: 0466049481


Hazard level Neutral
Number of comments 5
Last viewed March 10, 2025
Number of views 842
  • Capital:Canberra
  • Area:7692024 Km2
  • Population:24117360
  • LAT/LONG:-27 / 133

There are 5 comments for the phone number 0466049481. Phone number hazard level Neutral. 5 users were marked it with 2 Unsafe, 2 Safe, 1 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 0466049481


Fakaanga Hopoi : Constantly Posting fake details about your own sister Shania Hopoi’s personal life on the nef doesn’t get you Anywhere. Worry about yourself and your drug addict boyfriend viliami latu you found when you tou’a in Merrylands translating “serving kava to find a man” We all refuse to lower my standards to yours. Nothing but delusional. 0466049481 is disconnected.

April 26, 2021

Her name is shania Palolo hopoi. Just a dopey, lanky stink girl who only has kids so she can claim solo mother pension to buy her alcohol and smokes everyday. I always see her catching the bus to Penrith. She looks fat now

April 26, 2021

Shania Hopoi. She benefits off Centrelink. Only calls to harass people and to make her feel better about herself. She’s envious of everyone’s life because she can’t make a better life for herself.

April 26, 2021

Shania hopoi got with pesolo pale and had a daughter that he is embarrassed to be seen with. Because the daughter looks like the ugly mother Shania. She keeps her children away from their fathers just so she can benefit off centrelink. Just another fraud taking money from the government to support her two children that have no fathers. Meanwhile her daughters god mother Pania Toma is ing solo

April 26, 2021

Shania Palolo Hopoi & Ange Fekitoa Hopoi live at 3/67 Barry street Cambridge park for everyone who’s got it out for them ugly hefa bitches. They’re so ugly and fat that no man will ever love them. Nobody likes them bitches because they talk so much bs about everyone but say nothing once confronted.

April 26, 2021
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