Telephone number: 0480025429


Hazard level Unsafe
Number of comments 5
Last viewed September 20, 2024
Number of views 1415
  • Capital:Canberra
  • Area:7692024 Km2
  • Population:24117360
  • LAT/LONG:-27 / 133

There are 5 comments for the phone number 0480025429. Phone number hazard level Unsafe. 5 users were marked it with 4 Unsafe, 1 Neutral rating.


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Comments on the number 0480025429


Called phone then hung up. Keeps doing so.

April 26, 2021

Keeps calling my work mobile on Saturday afternoons. Hangs up every time without leaving a message.

April 26, 2021

Rings then hangs straight up - SPAM

April 26, 2021

When I called back she called me by a strange name. She seemed to have a philipino accet overseas caller. I hung up straight away.

April 26, 2021

its a mob trying to interest you in a energy assessment. the young lady on the other end had an accent I found a little difficult and I'm not sure exactly who she represented but she wanted to hook me up with her "associate' who would conduct an energy audit before offering me a buy now pay later solar system.

April 26, 2021
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